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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

As we all hunker down and get more acclimated to work at home, one thing that might cross your mind is wanting to redecorate your space. Whether that means redecorating your home office, college dorm room, apartment, or bedroom at your parents’ house that you never intended to be staying in for this long again. 

painting pallete
Photo by Sarah Brown from Unsplash
One of the easiest ways of decorating especially for your workspace is art. However traditional framed art can be expensive, mass-produced, and quite honestly make your space feel even more unlike your own than several bare walls. For those reasons commissioning artists is a great idea. When you commission an artist not only do you get new, incredible, and one-of-a-kind decor just like you, but you also help someone continue pursuing their passion. Many artists who accept commissions do so as a side job as simply doing commissions isn’t a sustainable career option for them yet. Of course, there are sites like RedBubble that have more personalized features or even Etsy but there is a world of commissionable artists right in front of us all. I have found wonderful artists on Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok. Not only does finding them on their platform allow you to see their style or styles they can do, but it also allows them to grow and get more interaction so their work is pushed out to others. Another amazing bonus of getting art commissioned as opposed to buying art that is premade or even mass-made is that you can specify what you want. It can be a portrait of you standing next to a lion with a sword and with the right artists you can get that interpreted in dozens of ways. Not only can you get commissioned art to decorate your space but it also works as a great housewarming gift.

Just remember that art is a universal expression of who you are! Support your local commissionable artists!


Her Campus CWU Writer Current Junior at Central Washington University Majoring in Liberal Studies with a Business minor A yellow enthusiast through and through