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Things To Do On A Mental Health Day

Updated Published
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Content warning: this article mentions mental health.

Being a human being comes with its life complications and trial and errors. Often times, many people can find these things emotionally and mentally exhausting.

My senior year of high school, my mental health was the lowest it had been, so I would take several mental health days. I loved the opportunity that it would give me to relax, do things that entertained me, and helped restore me back to my normal self.

Here are some ideas of things you can do on a mental health day!

1. Catch Up

Some of the best things to do on a mental health day are to catch up or finish tasks that make you feel content and relaxed. With being a student, or an employee maybe, it can sometimes be hard to unwind and do things that are just for you. Here are some ideas of ways you can catch up:

Maybe watch a few episodes of that new television show all your friends are talking about. Go on a coffee date with a friend, family member, or significant other! But make sure it’s someone you feel safe and validated around; someone who won’t drain you mentally or emotionally. You can also read the last pages of a book you’re close to finishing or start a new book!

2. Clean

This task can either be hit or miss on days like this. Some people find cleaning and organizing relaxing, while some can find it tiring and boring. According to studies, a clean space can help improve emotional health, productivity and sleep.

If you are anything like me, when cleaning your bedroom, you don’t know where to start and easily get stressed. A couple of things I like to do when cleaning is to listen to music, preferably an upbeat song or your favorite album by your favorite artist. If you live with someone or have a friend who enjoys cleaning, ask them to help you! There are several ways you can split up the tasks so each of you has something to do: one can pick up the clutter and organize it by category while the other can put the objects where they belong. You can also just simply chat with them as you do this!

3. BAKE SWEET TREATS or cook your comfort meal

It is very important to eat and take care of yourself during times like these. Food or anything that can fuel your body will make you feel more energetic and can help reduce mood swings!

Personally, some of my favorite things to eat during a mental health day are anything sweet or reminds me of fond memories of childhood, or just my favorite meals! Coming to sweets, cookies are always a home run in my book, especially when I eat the leftover dough from the bowl. If you can’t think of any foods that may be comforting, here are some ideas: macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese with tomato soup, chicken nuggets or chicken tenders to name a few.


Hygiene is found to be a rather taboo topic when it comes to mental health, but it is important.

Even if it’s not an everything-everything routine, washing your body and hair will make you feel refreshed! Maybe you can take a bubble bath, too! My favorite thing is to do a small load of laundry beforehand and put on comfortable pajamas. The dryer makes them very warm, soft and cozy!


Mental struggles take away any energy and can sometimes be rough on your physical health. Your body is an instrument, and it is important to take care of it when you aren’t feeling one hundred percent.

Sometimes you have to sleep it away! Often times when I do this, I do truly feel better and well-rested. When you are going through such things, restless nights are a big possibility, so take a nap if you feel that is best! Put some comfy clothes on, curl up in bed or on a couch with a soft blanket, and get those Z’s back!


Those five ideas conclude this here article! Thank you so much for reading and I hope that you can find these methods and ideas useful for your next mental health day!

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Hello, my name is Caitlin! I go by she/her pronouns and I am currently studying musical theatre at Central Washington University. Some of my interests include music, creative writing, theatre and fashion. I am very passionate about diversity and inclusion for disabled and chronically ill persons.