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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

My favorite time of the year is coming up in Washington State and that is summer! With summer comes road trips and taking the time to clear your mind from the school year you just finished. I know how some try to plan a trip or more than one with some friends in college and I say them go for it. 

Ocean Shore

If you have never been, go and enjoy it. First off if you like go karts you would enjoy the one in Shore. Personally I’ve been there twice and the fact of being by the water is relaxing and besides you could get sunburn but that is a very little price to pay for so much fun. 

Olympic Peninsula Loop

This is a trip that in total is about 70 miles and that you could enjoy seeing new places like Bellingham and also Mount Baker. It is a  fun trip. You could just make a playlist and drive. 

Small Town Road Trip

Coming from a small city I enjoy seeing new places and meeting new people and also I enjoy learning about the history in new places. Coming from Washington state we have a nice Native American culture in a couple places I feel like people would enjoy seeing.

Quirky Attractions of Central Washington

Coming from Central Washington University there’s a lot of things to do in the area and areas near far like Wenatchee to Sunnyside you can see a lot but also make sure you take 2-5 days off of work to see everything but also to rest.

Hi am Lauren I am from Poulsbo WA, I am a junior this year majoring in social services and minoring in Law and Justice. I work a full time job at Central Washington Disability Resources helping people who self identify with a disability find housing or get on social security disability or even apply for food stamps. I enjoy writing topics about people with disabilities and laws around woman’s rights.