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Girl Lying On Bed
Girl Lying On Bed
Arianna Tucker / Her Campus
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a tomboy. I traded my Barbies for Hot Wheels, and skirts for basketball shorts. I did not classify myself as a “girly-girl” or as the typical pretty girl. I was different and out of the box compared to a lot of my other friends growing up. I knew I would not get much attention, especially from boys but if it was it would be “why do you look like that?” and “why don’t you dress like the other girls?” Was the stance of my individuality worth the bad wrap? 

In a 2018 Insider article, researchers at the University of New Mexico found that there may be a link between general intelligence and body symmetry. Physical symmetry is thought to be some scientists to indicate developmental stability, or an organism’s ability to turn a genetic blueprint into a strong body despite the influence of harmful stuff like toxins, genetic mutations, injuries, parasites, and inbreeding. Developmental stability has also been positively linked to body symmetry. After administering an intellectual test to a group of study participants, researchers found that participants who exhibited greater body symmetry received higher scores. 

In 1972, a study found that people were more likely to assume attractive strangers live wonderful lives. After showing college students photographs of people of varying attractiveness, researchers found that the students more frequently estimated that the pretty subjects were successful, happy and less likely to remain single. The students also assumed that the attractive individuals in the photographs would be “more competent spouses” and have better marriages than the less attractive subjects. It’s even found that having symmetrical facial features might make you seem healthier to other people.

In a study from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, researchers manipulated photos of people’s faces, so they showed different levels of symmetry and asymmetry. The study participants were more likely to rate the symmetrical faces as more attractive and healthier looking. The asymmetrical faces were more frequently perceived as unattractive and sickly.  However, the study found no correction between facial symmetry and actual physical health. Even though facial symmetry is sometimes associated with “good genes.” Science has yet to find any proof that being attractive makes you less likely to have health problems. 

There are many different theories that there are some clear benefits to being pretty. But I think we all have our definition of beauty, and it comes in all forms. We should be building up and evolving the power of beauty. Beauty can be a girly girl, a tomboy, whatever you want it to be. Beauty is your definition. Build yourself up, don’t let others tear you down and make you believe you aren’t fitting the mold. Be your own beautiful. 

My name is Katelyn Richardson. I am 29 years old. I am currently attending Central Washington University studying for my Master's in food and sciences to become a nutritionist and later a diabetes educator for kids. I've been personally battling type 1 diabetes since I was six years old. I love being outside, vintage shopping, watching movies, and going to stock car races! I love being a Her Campus Contributor because it gives me a platform to talk about current issues, topics I'm passionate about & real-life relatable experiences.