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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Pies, am I right? They are one of the most festive desserts to make during the holiday season. But they can also be quite challenging to make in the kitchen. From having a crust that either turns out perfect, too dry, or too wet, making pies can be especially daunting. For this holiday season, consider these tips for making the perfect crust, filling, and toppings. 


1. Butter oR sHORTENING

There are several ways to make pie crust.Various techniques for making crust include using butter, shortening, or butter and shortening. Whichever technique you use will result in different types of pie crusts depending on your preferences. 

If you prefer a sweet buttery crust, then make your crust using butter. While on the other hand, if you prefer a crust that is crisp and flaky and easier to make, then consider shortening. If you want a crust that is both buttery and flaky, then use both butter and shortening. 


When rolling out pie crust, it is important to aim for an even and round shape. The best way to do this is to focus on rolling out uneven areas of the dough and compare these areas to other parts of the dough. 

You can accomplish this by placing your pan in the middle of the dough and determining which areas need to be rolled out more. When your crust is as even as possible, it is time to place it in the pan! 

You do this in one of two ways, one way is the flip-and-switch technique which involves flipping the dough onto the pan, while another way is to carefully place the dough onto the rolling pin and roll it into the pan. Personally, I prefer the flip-and-switch technique because it is easier to get the dough into the pan without too many cracks. 


1. What to include

What you include as your filling will depend on what your recipe calls for. Most pie recipes call for baking soda, cornstarch, or lemon juice for the filling. Depending on the pie you make, including one or more of these ingredients will prevent your filling from becoming runny and brown. 


Depending on what pie you make, toppings can vary from meringues, whipped topping, crumb topping, or crust topping. If you make an apple pie, then you may opt for a crust topping which may be cut into strips or include a design in the middle. If you decide on a pumpkin pie or a cream pie instead, then you may consider a whipped topping. 

If you decide to make a pie or another dessert that includes some of these tips this holiday season, I hope that these tips help you make an amazing pie or dessert. Happy holidays!

Hi there! I am third-year student at CWU majoring in psychology with a minor in theatre arts. In my spare time, I enjoy baking, reading, singing, and exercising.