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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Where are you from? 

Graham, WA

What’s your major and minor? 

Business, Human Resource Management  

What do you want to do with your major/minor after college? 

I don’t know actually, that’s a good question haha, but I’d really like to work for a big corporation like google or amazon. 

Favorite pizza topping?

Bell peppers and cheese

Favorite movie? 

The last song, you know that everyone secretly loves Miley.

What are some things you do outside of school?

I am a cheerleader at Central Washington University!

How long have you been cheering? 

“Too long” 

Did you do competitive cheerleading?


What team did you cheer on?

South Elite All Stars!

How does college cheer differ from all star cheer? 

All Star cheer is a lot more competitive, while college cheer is a lot more laid back and way more fun.

What’s your favorite part about cheering at CWU? 

Getting to know everyone on my team, and the fans/athletes because I know a good amount of them. 

What’s your favorite sport to cheer for? 

Men’s basketball all the way 

Next time you see Angela around campus or at a game cheering, give her a wave and say hi!