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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

If you are anyone like me you know the adjustment back to school can be rough. Going from your summer routine and taking time for yourself by doing what you want. To then jump full speed into classes, working, going to the gym, etc. can be a lot. Along with the fact that most people have some sort of anxiety with being back around so many people the majority of their day. 

For me, I went from working at a remote location in Idaho where I would see at most 35 people at a time. I was also working, living and being friends with just my coworkers. So there was little to no outside influence on any part of my life. Now imagine going from that to immediately getting thrown into school, working, and just constantly being around people, even my roommates, that I hadn’t seen or talked to in three months. Let’s just say that it leads to lots of tears and minor breakdowns for the first week or so. 

With that being said I want to share with you all the little methods that helped me adjust to being back at school and that helped calm my anxiety. 

The first thing that I did once I got to my house which really allowed my body to calm itself down and take time to myself, was put my room together and make it so it felt like a nice calm environment to be able to come home to. 

The second thing that I did was to start filling out my calendar and planner so that way I knew when I needed to be somewhere when I had a little free time, and also putting in my bigger events so that way I always have something to look forward to even if it’s small!

The last and final thing that really allowed me to mentally prepare myself for this adjustment was to just breathe and take time throughout the day to myself. Setting that time aside and letting your body settle is really important and is also essential in your general day-to-day life.

I hope you all have a great school year and can get through the adjustment period smoothly!

Henley is a freshman at Central Washington University and is trying to find her passion. As a freshman, she is still looking into what career path she is interested in. Some of her interests include going to the gym, watching movies, cooking/baking, and just hanging out with friends!