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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

Coming Home

In college things get crazy

Friends get weird

People change

Things change

And you get lazy

You are so busy looking at others

You stop looking at yourself

One must reflect on oneself.


In a city

Life is busy

It gets you dizzy

You do the most that you can

You say yes, yes ,yes

Even if those things are all at the same time

Next thing you know, you have no time.


You miss high school

When you didn’t care about being cool

So home you go

Just wanting to watch your show

Then next thing you know

You are home

There you are

There is your family

There are stories

There are scars

They are fascinated by all the things you have done

They act like you have won

But you have not

You are still in battle


As you run looking at the cattle

You see the sun

You really feel like there is someone

You walk as if there is someone to talk

But, it is just you on that walk

You run a little faster

Making your way past the trees

It puts you on your knees, stretching

The stress, the business, the loneliness

But wait.

You are never alone

Even if no one has shown

You have yourself

So, dust off that shelf

Remember that girl you were

Find that girl

That drive

That power

This is the hour

You are now a woman

The sun is shining

Stop that walking

Put your feet forward toward

Who knows, who cares?

Who dares to look past the woman on the side of the street moving forward.

Home you come. Recharged.