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20 Struggles of Being an Atheist at CUA

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

Yes, a small amount of us do exist although the majority of the school seems to forget that.

I’m sure the first question you are going to ask is “If you’re Atheist why would you even decide to come to The Catholic University of America?”

Well, I wanted to go to school in DC and they had every thing else I was looking for in a school, especially a good Architecture program. I figured hey, another 4 years of Catholic schooling can’t hurt right?

As I came to reflect more on myself once I began college I realized that there was no use in holding on to a religion that I only participated in because I was raised to do so. After doing much research I decided to finally embrace my true beliefs, and it has been quite the enlightening journey.

Of course, there has been no shortage of awkward moments, some of which are as follows: 

1) “You’re going to 9pm mass at St. Vinnys tonight right? I’ll save you a seat!”

No sorry I can’t make it I…have a lot of homework to do…have to give my dog a bath…wash some dishes…yeah.


2) Not understanding the Pope Francis fandom that has taken over the school.

Don’t get me wrong he’s a really chill guy but I hardly feel that Pope plush toys are necessary.


3) Lying to nuns about why you can’t go with them to mass.

If heaven really does exist then I’m going straight to hell for this one. Also they are the cutest people on Earth so the guilt is twice as bad. 


4) Finding someone else with your same views is like finding an empty booth in the upstairs Pryz after LC’s get out.

Aka nearly impossible.


5) Trying to reserve the best table in the Pryz lobby for your group but being told that Campus Ministry has priority over you.

Being Catholic at a Catholic University gives you special advantages I guess. 


6) When people around campus try to preach to you.

Please just don’t bother trying I really feel bad for you wasting your time on me. 


7) “I’m sorry you got a D on that paper, I’ll pray for you”

Uhhh it’s okay you really don’t have to, but thanks for offering.


8) It seems like March for Life is the 3rd most important event, following Christmas and Easter.


Campus is flooded with Pro-Life supporters from all around the country making you feel even more out of place than usual.



Religion class turns more into Debate class for you.


10) Required religion classes period.


11) The fact that you can be punished and fined for possessing any contraceptives and or having sex.

It’s best if I don’t get started about my school trying to control my body.


12) Being asked “What are you giving up for Lent this year?!” about 10 times a day during the months of March and April.

Sometimes it’s just easier to lie and say “Candy and soda” to avoid the whole explanation.


13) People assuming you’re just going through a rebellious phase and need guidance.

Cue the “I’ll pray for you” once again.


14) When you sit down for dinner with a friend and they say grace before they start eating.

Meanwhile you’re already halfway done your food and aren’t sure whether to keep doing your thing or wait for them to finish praying before taking another bite.


15) Censored music at school events.

Because God forbid 18-21 year olds hear a curse word (I realize this probably has nothing to with religion but it’s still pretty annoying)


16) “No class, go to mass!” Means an extra hour of freedom for you.

More of an advantage than a struggle really.


17) “Hi, would you like your room blessed for this year?”

If it gets me a free snack then sure, it can’t really hurt. 


18) When there’s a pretty flower or a sunset and someone says, “Wow god is so great am I right”

I mean yeah photosynthesis pretty cool, but half of the time I don’t have the energy to get into the Creation vs. Evolution debate with you.


19) Listening to people compare the ashes on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday.

*Smiles to self knowing that you won’t be breaking out due to dead plants on your face*


20) Prayers being held before class and every single school event while you sit there, awkward and fidgeting with your hands.

But at the end of the day, no matter what religion you are/are not, you’re still pretty rad CUA.