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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

It’s easy to get lost in the idea that COVID-19 is the only sickness that is going around because that is all the news seems to cover nowadays. However, the flu and other illnesses are still going around as well! Here are some reasons that it’s just as important to get your flu shot this year as any other year in the past. 

The flu is still going around even though COVID is prominent.

During this pandemic, it has been easy to get tunnel vision in regards to monitoring your symptoms. You have a slightly scratchy throat? Definitely COVID. Except, it probably isn’t and you’re just freaking out because that’s what humans do best. Trust me, I’ve been there countless times. In reality, that scratchy throat could be caused by various things: the flu, strep, the common cold.

Getting the flu shot can help lower the amount of flu-related hospitalizations so that there is room for COVID patients.

According to the CDC, the flu vaccine dramatically reduces the number of hospitalizations that would otherwise occur without the flu vaccine. Another important factor especially for this year is that hospitals are needing all of the space they can get. By reducing the number of flu hospitalizations, they can better help those with serious COVID-19 symptoms.

After getting the flu shot you have the virus’s antibodies after two weeks.

Two weeks after getting your flu shot, you will be greatly protected from the virus because the vaccine creates antibodies in your body that fight off the flu from attacking your system. The vaccine itself puts a small amount of the virus into your system, but only so you are able to build antibodies against it.

The vaccine protects yourself and others from getting sick from the flu.

Just as social distancing with COVID-19 is a way to protect ourselves and others from the virus, so is getting the flu shot. It’s an easy way to care for yourself while showing that you also care for others.

The flu season is never fun, but this year it’s crucial to protect yourself and others from getting sick in any capacity. Please, get your flu shot and protect those around you. 

– Ivie

Ivie Maher

CU Boulder '23

Ivie is a senior studying political science. She loves dogs, bunnies, and ice cream. She loves the outdoors and feels right at home here in the mountains. You can catch her cooking green bean casserole (her favorite), finding new music, or writing her newest article.
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