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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Ever since the new year began, my TikTok FYP (for you page) has been flooded with influencers, amateurs, and even my friends making lists of their ins and outs for 2024. I’ve been obsessed with curating a list of my own, but it’s hard to say what really is “out.” So, with my internet addicted expertise, this is the list of “outs” that really should be out.

Popping pimples

Trust me, I understand the urge to pop, pick, or puncture those juicy zits. However… we all know by now that we’re ruining our skin. Pimple patches are the new “in” and we really should be utilizing them. If you haven’t tried one out, you don’t understand the magic of the pimple patch. So, I’m giving you permission to steal a few from your sister, roommate, or neighbor. 

Judging other people’s styles

It’s human nature to judge, gossip, and poke fun at our peers. Even so,  it’s 2024. Come on. We’re no longer prepubescent, self-conscious middle school girls that need to compensate for our own insecurities. We shouldn’t be judging each other’s physical or outward appearances. Didn’t the Barbie movie teach us anything? Let’s make 2024 the year of girls’ girls. There’s no reason to put each other down in a society that’s already doing that. It takes a lot of confidence to dress out the norm. Let’s respect it. 

Ruining our natural hair

My new year resolution was to not straighten my natural hair, and I’ve already broken it. I wanted to embrace my natural beauty, but I realized that it’s pretty damn difficult to do. So instead of holding myself to such an unrealistic standard, I’ve decided to simply put more effort into my hair care. Heat protectant goes a long way, oiling my split ends makes a huge difference, and wearing my hair naturally as often as I can has already boosted my confidence. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for new hair colors, cuts, and do’s. Again, it’s 2024 now. We should be using the right products and making these changes in a healthy way. Take care of your natural beauty–it’s beautiful.

Buying fast fashion

Temu, Shein, and TikTok Shop have tempted our online shopping desires for too long. I won’t lie and say that I haven’t made the occasional purchase, but I definitely feel guilty about it for obvious reasons. There’s so many substitutes to these kinds of businesses that are actually ethical. Whether that’s thrifting, trading clothes with friends, the UMC clothing swap, or even the cute boutiques off of Pearl Street, there are so many better options. I know those cheap prices are enticing, but it is possible to find those prices elsewhere.

Take this and all the “ins and outs” lists on your social media with a grain of salt. Influencers, amateurs, your friends, and me really have no say in what you do this year. 2024 is going to be your year, I can feel it.

Kate Paxton

CU Boulder '26

Kate Paxton is a the Director of Outreach and contributing member of Her Campus Colorado University Boulder. She writes articles covering a variety of topics like wellness, college life, pets, recipes, and film reviews. Kate can usually be found writing in the warmth of many blankets and a cup of tea. She is currently a junior at CU Boulder, double majoring in Psychology and Public Health with a minor in Business. She hopes that her journalistic skills will help in her professional career. Kate expects to graduate in December 2025 and continue on to graduate school to further her education. In her free time, she enjoys spending quality time with friends and family, talking to her pet Betta fish, binge watching sitcoms, and therapeutically cleaning her room.