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Staying in this Halloween

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

It’s almost Halloween and you have no costumes figured out, you’re busy beyond relief and have no time to sleep let alone party all weekend. Does this sound like you?? Well if so, read this quick guide on things to do if you rather stay in this Halloween/Week/Weekend or whatever the cool kids are calling it nowadays.

Catch up on sleep!

Instead of taking hours putting together a costume and getting ready, jump into bed. Take this weekend to sleep in as long as you want and stay in bed all day. Your body is probably running on little to no sleep and coffee is just another drink now to you. This weekend is a perfect opportunity to snuggle up into bed, have a glass of wine and unwind from the stressful semester. A good night’s rest goes a long way. Get that beauty sleep mama!

Get ahead on assignments!

This is a great time to get working on that huge journalism project that’s due in a week that you haven’t even looked at! *Subtweeting myself* We’re just about over the halfway mark in the semester so that means midterm exams, projects, essays, and extra credit assignments. Instead of procrastinating assignments until a few days before they’re due, get cracking on them now! There really is no better feeling than finishing a bunch of stuff and checking it off you’re reminders tab. Plus getting ahead helps you during those weeks that seem like there is something due every day.

Treat Yo Self

Give your body, mind, and soul some TLC! Take yourself out to the Cheesecake Factory and eat anything you want. Maybe go get that mani/pedi you’ve been telling yourself you need so badly. Go shopping or go see that movie you’ve been dying to see. Go to a fitness class that you’ve wanted to try. Have a mini spa night in your dorm/house/whatever it is. Do something that you’ve been telling yourself you have no time to do. Make this time for yourself because treating your body well will ultimately help your health and self-esteem. There’s nothing wrong with spoiling yourself every once in awhile. You’re busy and working your ass off, you deserve it girl.


Go outdoors and do something! Go down to your local farmers market and venture around the shops and stands. Talk to the small business owners about their experiences. Look at your local newspaper or just simply google “ Things to do in *insert your city* this weekend” and so many local events will come up for ya. Try and do something you’ve never done before and gain new experiences. There really is nothing more fun than getting outside and trying something different!


If you’re anything like me, you’re over the party scene now. I know that I will definitely be taking this time to catch up on some much needed sleep. But no matter what you decide to do this Halloweekend, always STAY SAFE AND HAVE FUN! Stay BOOjee!

Happy Halloween, HerCampus.

All gifs/images from Google Images. 

Sophie Damian

CU Boulder '21

Hi! I'm Sophie! I'm a sophomore strategic communications major with a PR track. I'm from the Poconos in Pennsylvania and came to CU as a freshman. I chose CU because even though it's so far away from my home, as soon as I stepped on campus it felt like another home to me! It has great opportunities and Colorado as a state is becoming so popular and up and coming that I knew I would have amazing opportunities coming my way with a degree from CU Boulder. I love sports, particularly the Philadelphia Flyers and Pittsburgh Steelers! I'm a HUGE college football fan and actually live for Saturday College Game Day with the favorite coach, person, ESPN analyst: Lee Corso. I really enjoy writing as it was always my strong suit throughout school. I also enjoy working, watching Netflix and hanging with my friends and family! I also love dogs so much and want tons of them when I'm older!
Sko Buffs!