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Self-Care Tips for a “No Bones” Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Tik Tok is home to hundreds of trends and incredible content creators. However, one that has caught the attention of millions of users (including myself) is Noodle the 13-year-old pug. Noodle’s owner, Jonathan, runs the account. Every morning, he shares what mood Noodle is in by propping him up and seeing if he remains standing (a bones day), or flops down like a noodle (a no bones day). A “bones day” means it’s a day for taking risks and treating yourself, but a “no bones” day means to take things easy and practice some self-care. Here are some things you can do on “no bones” days.

Make Your Favorite Meal or Snack.

One of my favorite things to do when I’m in need of some self-love is to make my favorite meal. If you’re not in the mood to make an entire meal, treat yourself to your favorite snack.

Netflix Binge.

On “no bones” days, I love to stay inside and watch a few episodes of my favorite show at the moment. Sometimes you need to escape from reality for a little while, and this is my favorite way to do it. If you prefer to escape by reading a book or watching a movie, go for it!

Get Creative.

If you’re feeling up for it, do something that sparks your creativity! One of my favorite things to do is to get a cheap canvas and some paint. I love looking at Pinterest for inspiration. When I paint, I usually don’t do it all in one sitting. This takes the pressure off, and I can come back to it whenever I feel like it. You can also paint your nails, follow a DIY on YouTube, draw, and so much more!

Stay Hydrated.

Whether it’s a “no bones” day or not, it’s still important to drink water and keep your body hydrated. This will also help you feel more energized and can help boost your mood.

Go For a Short Walk.

Even though sitting inside might be preferable, it’s important to move your body a bit every day. I like to go for 15 minute walks around the neighborhood. If you have a friend with a dog, ask them if they’d like to join or if they’d like you to take their furry friend for a walk.

Set Intentions for Tomorrow.

Even if today isn’t a day for taking risks or doing big things, tomorrow might be! I like to take the time to set my goals for tomorrow by making personal, school, and work to-do lists. This will help me get back on track and make sure I’m still doing what needs to get done.

Practice Gratitude.

Take a few moments to reflect and think about what you’re grateful for. Practicing gratitude is something I recommend for everyone no matter the day, but on “no bones” days it can be especially helpful.

Even if Noodle declares it’s a “bones” day, listen to your body and mind, and if you need to make it a “no bones” day, do it. You know yourself and your needs better than anyone else, so make sure you’re doing what you need to do to take care of yourself.

Hannah Curran

CU Boulder '22

Hannah is a Junior studying Creative Technology and Design. She is passionate about website development, graphic design, digital art, and of course, writing! Hannah also has her own sticker business, @whoishan!