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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

It is a very special time of the year not just because fall is on its way, but because Lana Del Rey is making plans to release a new album. As one of pop cultures leading soulful artists, she has already unveiled two brand new songs: one called “Venice Bitch” and “Mariners Apartment Complex”, both of which are already hits.  

Lana Del Rey usually has a sad tone in her music, but that’s what makes it sound exciting. If you’ve never listened to one of her full albums you are susceptible to think that she is more of a depressing artist than she actually is. Lana Del Rey has many layers to her music; one of them of course being depression, but she also emphasizes feelings of freedom and being a women. Many people are attracted to her music for these qualities.

The new songs represent Lana Del Rey at her finest. The men she usually describes in her songs are often a stereotypical representation of masculinity. They represent the alphas of men— the kind that would do anything for power. In her latest album, according to Pitchfork Magazine, the man is a “guy who is…a genius artist but he thinks he’s the shit and he knows it and won’t shut up talking about it”. Could this possibly represent someone in Lana Del Rey’s life? The new album will officially be called “Norman F***ing Rockwell”, a name well thought out by the creative minds behind her work.

Lauren Owens

CU Boulder '22

Hi! I'm Lauren and I love to write, take pictures, travel, and shop. My favorite aniaml is the cat and I currently have three! I am a Communications and possible Journalism major this fall at CU Boulder. I also love to find the best iced coffee in any town I visit, and I can't wait to share some of my Boulder insightes (especially the coffee) with my fellow Boulder babes!
Sko Buffs!