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Van Gogh’s Starry Night: An Interpretation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

A calm, serene night

filled with radiant stars.

The comforting light of the moon

enlightening the quaint, peaceful village beneath it.

A mountain reaching for the sky.

No constraints, only freedom.

The painting calls towards her

and promises endless possibilities.

Happily she stretched her arm and reached for the stars.

An unrestful, uneven, swirling blue sky

with stars that seem to pathetically illuminate

and a moon that only enlightens so much.

A sad, little village encompassed by darkness.

Neither the stars nor the moon are able to enlighten the people.

A foreboding mountain, crooked and distorted

almost as if it is mocking him.

Painted from the view of an asylum room

it reminds him of freedom lost.

She looks and sees possibility.

He looks and sees a prison.

Both people, the same painting.

The same starry night.

Aarushi Singh

CU Boulder '25

Aarushi is currently a third year at CU Boulder majoring in Neuroscience and Psychology, with a Pre-Med focus. After Undergrad, she hopes to work as an EMT during her gap year before medical school. When she's not studying or working, you can find her reading one of her various romance books, looking for new music to listen to, and binge-watching 'New Girl' for the millionth time.