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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Fall is here! Leaves are changing, Halloween is right around the corner, pumpkin spice lattes are back. This is the perfect time to partake in some spooky autumn adventures before the month ends (because ‘tis the season). Get the season started with some of these fun fall date ideas with your S.O. (or friends). Follow these tips for exploring both the outdoors and indoors while the weather permits. 

Outdoor Activities 

Autumn isn’t winter yet,, so it’s a good time to utilize the nice weather while it lasts! Enjoy the outdoors by taking a hike and leaf peeping. Make sure to bring a camera to capture all of the color. 

Picnics are also a fang-tastic way to enjoy the scenery. Bonus points if you can make it extra special with some higher-end snacks such as a charcuterie board. 

Road trips, whether long or short,are a super easy way to indulge in nature with no need to step outside of the car. For this date, try to drive somewhere a bit more remote to really experience a new place. 

We all know haunted houses make for a great date, as it kind of forces you to snuggle up together to handle the fear. There’s usually a haunted house for everyone’s fear factor, so it’s a good idea to look for haunted houses that will match you and your partner’s preferences. On a side note, check out your local area for “drive thru” style haunted houses. 

Making a costume for Halloween is a must. For those on a budget, check out your local Goodwill and other thrift stores, as there’s usually a section with discounted Halloween decorations, costumes, and makeup. Even outside of this section there are still a bunch of creative ways to find a quick costume. Pick your costumes out together to match or have your partner assemble a costume for you while you pick one for them and have a big reveal later. For those wanting a bit more options, any seasonal Halloween store will do the trick (such as PartyCity, Spirit Halloween, etc.). 

My favorite date? Pumpkin patches!  There is an indescribable feeling for me when it comes to pumpkin patches or any type of fall fairs. I think of apple cider, chilly autumn wind, fields of pumpkins to take home, hay rides, and tons of treats. Pumpkin patches, to me, have a hint of nostalgia, and this makes it special to create new memories with your boo. There’s also tons of activities with awesome photo ops to pack in autumn adventures. 

Indoor Activities 

For the gloomier fall days, look no further than your nearest grocery store and your living room. Who said a good date means breaking the bank? Put on a scary movie and stock up on ghoulish goodies on a Target run. While you’re at it, take a crack at making a Halloween themed recipe or snack (or even opt for the easy pre-made cookie dough and candy). 

Halloween crafts are also a great option if you’re more on the creative side. Carve or paint a pumpkin, draw, or assemble a craft from the store. It’s up to you and there’s usually pretty cheap craft supplies at any dollar store. If you and your ghoul-friend are especially endowed in the arts, try picking out old paintings at the thrift store and giving it a spooky twist with paint.

If you want to surprise your other half, assemble a Halloween basket. Buy some sort of basket or bucket and fill it with frightening fun you think your partner would enjoy. Include things like cozy socks or a throw blanket, snacks and candy, movies, stuffed animals, self-care items, gift cards, etc. If you’re stuck indoors make the best of the weather by taking the time to decorate your living space with your partner, don’t be afraid to go all out. 

I hope all of these fall outings inspire you to take advantage of the season and interact with that special person whether it’s your long time partner, a new bae, or a friend. At the end of the day, all of these activities should be a way to form a better relationship with that person. You might even find out new things about them. Take the time to bond with your partner and get those good conversations going. No matter what activities you choose, I promise you’ll have a ghoulish time. 

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Jayden Bergen

CU Boulder '24

Jayden is a political science major with a Spanish and business minor at the University of Colorado Boulder. She is a Colorado native. She is passionate about history, the outdoors, fashion, and current events.