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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

It’s finally October! We’re celebrating the heart of fall with our favorite seasonal drinks and treats. Here’s what we’re choosing:

I am, of course, obsessed with Dunkin’ pumpkin coffee and pumpkin donuts. Are you really a New Englander if you’re not???

  • Lara Beckius ‘24

Starbucks Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte, carrot cake with walnuts, and apple cider.

  • Madeline Motes ‘27

Coffee Grounds pumpkin chai and zucchini bread at Connecticut College.

  • Eva Rausch ‘27

Apple cider (cold, obviously) and banana bread are hands-down my favorite staples for the season! 

  • Tessa Stayton, ‘25

My Starbucks go-to is a Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew and a cheese danish, but on campus I love the maple cold foam from Coffee Grounds (as well as whatever baked goods they have, they’re always amazing!).

  • Bella Stewart, ‘25

London Fog from Coffee grounds. It was my first time trying it after one of my friends ordered it while studying. It is essentially tea with added vanilla. It is a nice, warm, and sweet beverage for these chilled misty days. I sipped it from a pink mug while painting a watercolor of the Coffee Grounds interior as the rain fell against dark windows. 

  • Skye Roberts ‘27
Lara graduated from Connecticut College in 2024 with a double major in environmental studies and economics and a minor in dance. Her interests include choreography, sustainability, the performing arts, and conservation.
Madeline Motes

Conn Coll '27

Hi! My name is Madeline and I'm a first-year student at Conn! I'm from DC and I went to Jackson-Reed High School. I love swimming, creative writing and traveling. I also spent three years of high school living overseas in Amman, Jordan where I got to travel to lots of exciting countries, such as an international swim meet in Greece and a community service trip to Cape Town, South Africa. I also enjoy cooking and baking. I am very excited to be a part of HerCampus!
Eva Rausch

Conn Coll '27

My name is Eva (she/her) and I am a freshman at Connecticut College! I am interested in majoring in gender, sexuality, and intersectionality studies, classics, anthropology, or english. I am also curious about pursuing the Museum Studies Certificate Program at Conn. I am an avid reader and baker. I also love to crochet and sew!
Tessa Stayton

Conn Coll '25

Hi! My name is Tessa & I am a junior at Conn Coll double majoring in English and Classical Studies (& minoring in Philosophy). I served as editor in chief for 2 years at my high school paper, and I was so excited to discover the Her Campus community at Conn! I'm really passionate about literature and music, so be on the lookout for future book and music reviews! :)
Bella Stewart

Conn Coll '25

Junior at Connecticut College majoring in Sociology and American Studies, minoring in Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies. Center for the Critical Study of Race and Ethnicity Scholar. avid Letterboxd user with a Lorelai-Gilmore-level coffee problem
Skye Roberts is a first year at Connecticut College. She loves nature and telling stories. She enjoys making art, writing, making films, and creating songs. She enjoys crafting in general, from sewing to crochet, to woodworking, to blacksmithing (on the occasion). At her high school Skye was a member of the book club, the musical, the National Honors Society, and completed the IB diploma program. After graduating from Valley Regional High School Skye hopes to major in film and art at Conn and pursue her dreams to be a freelance artist, filmmaker, author, and musician. Perhaps one day in the far future, a park ranger somewhere. Back at home a little West of Conn College she has a dog and a cat whom she loves dearly as well as a woods she adores. After college she hopes to live in a small cottage in the highlands of Scotland for some time, with animals, a little town, and plenty to explore. She enjoys all of the seasons but Summer the least. Skye looks eagerly forward to fall where she plans to go on autumn walks while listening to Hozier, and curl up with a cozy book like “Six of Crows”, watch a show like “Hilda” or “Sex Education”, or a movie like “the Hobbit”. Through her storytelling whether it be in the format of a canvas, writing, lyrics, or video, Skye tries to let her emotions and experiences speak for themselves. She also likes telling the stories of others and hopes to inspire and relate to people, and foster an environment where everyone feels welcome.