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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

Whenever I tell someone that I have just recently met that I used to never—and I mean never—exercise, they are absolutely shocked. I always carve time into everyday so that I can work out for at least 45 minutes. But this time two years ago, I had no interest in any form of physical activity. The most movement I engaged in was when I went shopping and walked around the mall. But then, the summer before my senior year of high school, one of my closest friends joined the local gym and encouraged me to join with her. I was hesitant, since I had not stepped foot in a gym for nearly four years, but eventually I agreed. Ever since, my life has completely changed for the better.

Ask any medical professional, and they will preach the benefits of getting enough exercise. Everyone knows that regularly engaging in physical activity reduces the risks of disease, lead to increased energy levels, and reduce stress. Before I started my fitness lifestyle, I was aware of all of the befits that exercise has to offer, but I could not motivate myself to spend any time on the treadmill. The thought of 30-plus monotonous minutes on a cardio machine multiple times per week was enough to keep me far, far away from even considering joining a gym. But I did join, and the sole reason that I am still a member today is because I discovered forms of exercise that are actually fun.

The first time I participated in a group-fitness class, I convinced myself that I would never return. But with the encouragement of my friend, I returned the next day, and then the next day after that. Before I knew it, I had been going to the gym everyday for two weeks. Group-fitness, such as Spin, Zumba, yoga, has completely changed my attitude towards exercise. It is nothing like my previous experiences at the gym, filled with dread and impatience. The classes are engaging and exciting, so I no longer felt the need to check how much time I had left in the workout every 30 seconds. Sometimes, I forget that I’m even exercising because of how much fun I have. After every class, I always leave the gym with a huge smile on my face.

Exercising regularly has allowed me to become a better version of myself. Whenever I am feeling stressed, going to the gym always makes me feel at least ten times better. I have more energy throughout the day, and I sleep much better at night. I am now healthier, stronger, and more confident than I ever have been. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without fitness.

If you’re thinking about making exercise a more significant part of your life, my biggest advice would be to take it slow. Exercise is a great thing, but not when it is taken to an extreme. It is so easy to get caught up in focusing your energy on changing your body, rather than on the health benefits of exercise, especially in our culture that is so centered around being as thin and fit as possible. Despite popular belief, you can be healthy at any size. The goal of prioritizing fitness should not be changing the shape of your body, but rather improving your health and happiness. Always remember that you are beautiful the way you are.

Conn Coll Class of 2022