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Find a Summer Internship!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

With the summer months approaching, it is a good idea to start thinking about what your plans are. Whether you want to earn money or explore your interests for a possible career, there are so many resources available to help find these opportunities. It is a good idea to think about strong internships, which could lead into a job each summer or possibly after graduation. Here is a list of some resources we think would be helpful in your search for summer internships.

1. Websites-GALORE! There are several websites in existence that were created so that employers seeking college students for a summer or post-grad position. These websites simply require an email and a survey of your interests to narrow the results. 





2. Mobile Apps With technology today, there are phone applications that have been created to help people search for internships. We’re huge fans of Dapsity, Internship Seeker, and UrbanInterns. All of these are free and on your phone’s app store! 


3. Resources on Campus!  Many colleges have student centers where knowledgeable people can assist you in your search for a summer position. We love our CELS office! Pay them a visit and your advisor will help guide you through the process! Also try reaching out to professor to see if they personally need assistance working on something over the summer or know of a colleague who does if there is an academic topic that you are passionate about! 

Emily is currently a senior attending Connecticut College. She is a Biology and English double major. Her interests include community service, lazy days in bed watching movies and hanging out outdoors with friends. Like her interests, her taste in music and movies is all over the place. She has had an amazing four years here at Conn College so far, and is excited and nervous about being much closer to the REAL WORLD!
Her Campus Conn Coll