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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.


Dear Class of 2019,

Welcome to Camel Country! We know you’re completely overwhelmed, moderately confused, and anxious — don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

There will be a lot of schmoozing, phone number exchanging, and information sharing in the next few days. Some of the people you meet will become your instant BFFs and some will just become familiar faces to see around campus — both are valuable and necessary!

As you will learn in your orientation sessions (they really do take attendance, so don’t skip them!) there are tons of resources available for you, so use them! Especially the Offices of Student Life…those people are the bomb.com. 

There are lots of experiences coming your way — welcome them with open arms! You have yet to enjoy Soup and Bread in Freeman, affectionate campus lingo, the feeling of accomplishment after handing in your first assignment, the morning madness of your first Floralia, the first time you encounter a Campus Cutie, the deliciousness of mozzarella sticks at 1am after a Cro dance, or even understand the etiquette of a Cro dance, but you will learn soon enough, so be patient and just enjoy every crazy minute. Get ready because you’ll be a true camel in no time!

Some simple advice from us to you: 

1. Get involved! You will meet new people by trying new things. Maybe you’ll discover a new passion! (Like Her Campus, because we’d love to have you write for us!)

2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. We’ve all been a freshman before! Ask your neighbors, professors, and any staff members what’s up. This campus is full of friendly faces and we’d love to help you!

3. Know yourself but be willing to find yourself! You might think you know what you like and what you’re good at, and college is a time to learn new things about yourself. Act within your comfort zone, but let loose! Don’t let your status as a freshman hold you back from being outgoing! 

Warning, cheesy moment ahead: Always remember — it’s not about the destination: it is all about the journey, so think of your next four years as an incredible, complex, fun, and adventurous journey. You might not get all the answers to life in the first few weeks, but through the next four years, the people you meet and the adventures you have will get you a little bit closer. 

During Orientation, President Bergeron told you to “choose with your heart.” Hopefully, your heart leads you to Her Campus.

And of course… like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. We’ll keep you updated, we promise.


Julia and Susannah


Julia is a senior who loves writing for Conn's Her Campus chapter! While she is studying economics and environmental studies, she is also interested in fashion and beauty. Her Campus has allowed Julia to incorporate these personal interests into her weekly schedule.
Susannah is a senior at Conn Coll finishing up her Psychology and English double major with her Religious Studies minor. Susannah loves finding new music on Spotify, watching romantic comedies, and practicing yoga. Fresh out of the oven cookies are her greatest weakness rivaled only by her love of online shopping.