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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

In order to survive college and get through those late-night study sessions, snacks are a must. Conn’s dining halls, unfortunately, close at 8:00 which prompts me to get hungry again around 9 or 10 at night. Oasis Snack Shop is open until pretty late, which is great, but one can only eat so many mozzarella sticks and pizza. It’s difficult eating healthy while in college, so it’s important to make sure your snacks are tasty yet nutritious. Here are my top favorite snacks that I keep in my dorm room.

1. Microwavable Popcorn

You would be surprised, but plain, unbuttered popcorn is actually a pretty healthy snack. Once you remove all the fat and calories from the butter, it becomes a delicious, warm treat. I like to pop popcorn in my room and then bring the bag with me to the library.

My favorite type of microwavable popcorn!

2. belVita Breakfast Bites

It can be a challenge to drag yourself out of bed and to Harris on any given morning, so I like to keep a box of these in my room to eat before going to class. They say that they supply 4 hours of energy and come in individual snack bags – what can get much better?

3. Pretzel Crisps

These are definitely healthier than your average bag of Cheetos or Doritos. There are only 100 calories per snack sized bag. These are a great substitute for your unhealthy, processed foods.

4. Hummus

If you have a refrigerator, I love to keep hummus in my fridge and eat it with the pretzel crisps. It usually keeps me full until dinner if I have it for an afternoon snack. They also sell snack-packs of hummus that come with crackers.

5. Pistachios/Sunflower Seeds

Both pistachios and sunflower seeds have been my most recent snack obsession. I’ve been loving the salt and pepper pistachios. Surprisingly, de-shelling them helps to keep me focused on my homework.

Sophmore from Brookfield, Connecticut (which is about two hours away from Conn). CISLA scholar, Anthropology major, intended hispanic studies minor. Outside of classes, she spend the majority of her time in a coffee shop or playing her flute.
Her Campus Conn Coll