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Real Hot Girl Sh*T: How to Have a Hot Girl Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Chicago chapter.

If you weren’t on your hot girl ish this summer then sis what were you doing??? 

Rap artist Meg Thee Stallion started a worldwide movement of “Hot Girl Summer.” In an interview with The Root, Meg stated, “It’s about women and men being unapologetically them, just having a good-ass time, hyping up their friends, doing you,” she added, “You definitely have to be a person who can be the life of the party and just a bad bitch.”

Even though summer is coming to a close, that doesn’t mean us hot girls have to hibernate. 

 It’s time to keep that same energy and turn our hot girl summer into a hot girl semester. So what is a hot girl semester? According to Thee Stallion, it’s all about owning this school year. Keeping your grades up, being organized and standing out. More importantly, not forgetting what being a “hot girl” means—  being true to yourself. 

Now I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m entering my senior year of college and I plan to make it one for the books! 

Here are five ways I plan on killing this hot girl semester:

  1. Staying organized 

Keeping a planner is key! Even if it’s a simple task, write it down so you don’t forget. For the most part I’m pretty organized, but like any student, as the semester goes on and the workload gets heavier it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  Jotting down notes and reminders can save you an unnecessary headache or breakdown. 

  1. No More Procrastinating 

 It’s safe to say this step is way easier said than done, but prioritizing and time management are essential in ensuring  your work gets done effectively. Depending on your schedule, I find it easier to do the homework for class the night it’s assigned. For example, I have morning and afternoon classes, so if I have one class and my day ends at 11:50 a.m. I’ll begin my homework at 1:00 p.m. and I’ll work on it until it’s done. This allows for more free time on the weekends to work, relax and just enjoy the time off before starting a new week. 

  1. Stand Out!

I promise you, your professors don’t bite. Sit in the front row of your classes, we pay way too much money to wither away in the back and not pay attention. Introduce yourself to your professors, ask questions when you’re confused and in a discussion setting don’t be afraid to speak up and add your thoughts to the conversation.

  1. Dress to Impress

Believe me, nobody loves a hoodie and legging combo more than me, but you can’t wear that to work so why wear it to class? Now, occasionally is fine, but for my juniors and seniors it is important to try to get in the habit of dressing business casual. You’ll be taken more seriously and it’ll make picking out work and interview clothes much easier. Check out my Bold in the Cold article for more tips! 

  1. Have fun!

School is important, but we’re still allowed to be young and dumb. It’s okay to have fun and make time for yourself. Use this time to explore new things, make new friends, try new foods, splurge on a new outfit. Whatever makes you happy go out and do it! You only get one college experience so make it count and live it up! 

In the words of Thee Stallion,  “Gotta whole lot of options ‘cause you know a b*itch poppin’ I’ma hot girl so you know ain’t sh*t stoppin” 


Kendell Ryan

Columbia Chicago '20

LA girl bringing a west coast vibe to Chicago
Ally Stegman

Columbia Chicago '21

aspiring magazine writer with a passion for pop culture and fashion