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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Chicago chapter.

‘Tis the season to be cozy! 

The holidays are my favorite time of year. The weather begins to drops, lights are hung across the city, Christmas music is now acceptable, but nothing feels more like the holidays then getting cozy after a long day, baking some cookies and watching classic Christmas movies. 

I could watch holiday movies all day, and it is incredibly hard to only choose a few to highlight, but here are some of my favorite Christmas movies!

My all-time favorite that never just never gets old is Dr. Seuss How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the one with Jim Carrey to be exact. Something about this movie just makes me feel like a kid again. It takes me back to much simpler times. This story also taught me a lot about growth and acceptance. Being open to learning about things or about people to better understand why things are the way they are, and being able to change. 

While on this tip of classics, A Charlie Brown Christmas has a special place in my heart. I used to watch it every Christmas morning with my Nani, she loved herself some Charlie Brown, it was like our little tradition.

The next greatest classic, which is my sister’s favorite, is Home Alone, I love this movie. I used to love it more as a kid because Kevin Mcalister was truly living my dream, aside from fighting off robbers. He had a house to himself, ate ice cream, didn’t have chores, this man was living like a king! It was always a fun time to watch with my sister every Christmas Eve, a tradition we still complete. 

This last choice was a tough one but my next favorite is The Best Man Holiday, this is a sequel to the classic movie The Best Man. The movie for me tugs on all the emotional strings I contain. It’s funny, it’s sad, it makes you think about what’s important in life and what isn’t, it’s about family. This is a fairly new movie that was released in 2013, so no traditions have been formed around it just yet, but it is a film I highly recommend for the holiday season. 

This small little list doesn’t come close to the amount of films I watch during this time of year, but consider it a starter pack. I wish everyone a cozy, movie-filled holiday! 

Kendell Ryan

Columbia Chicago '20

LA girl bringing a west coast vibe to Chicago
Melanie Medrano

Columbia Chicago '21

A music-enthused entertainment journalist who wants to share her voice with the world - one article at a time.