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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

As the temperature begins to cool and you settle into your work routine, it’s time to revamp your internship style! Whether you work in a lab or at a fashion magazine, it’s never a bad idea to look your best. When you’re confident about how you look, you feel better, which leads you to perform better. Now that’s what I call the psychology of fashion. (Am I right or am I right?)

Without further ado, I present to you the key pieces to curate your professional look: 

The Trench Coat:


Pair this coat with any outfit for streamlined and professional look when it starts getting chilly. 

The Cardigan:


While the cardigan is amazing for any season, it’s especially useful for fall. Layer the cardigan under a coat or over a blouse for those unpredictable weather days. 

The Heeled Flat: 


For those days when you want to wear heels, but can’t stand to run around in them all day. 

The Ankle Pants:


Dress these bad boys up with flats/heels or down with a pair white sneaks. 

The Black Tote:


Believe me when I say you won’t need another purse after you get yourself a black tote. This bag looks slick and professional with any outfit, especially in the fall and winter. 

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Leora Herman

Columbia Barnard