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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

By: Madelyn Baker

I have become accustomed to weird looks when I tell people I’m involved with the Barnard Flute Choir. Though it is not the most popular genre of music to exist, flute choir music is special because of the many types of flutes.

The Barnard Flute Choir consists of piccolos, alto flutes, and regular flutes. The range of pitches allows for an ensemble similar to a choir, so we are able to play music with multiple parts. With a surplus of flutists on campus, the Barnard Flute Choir enables all Columbia flutists a place to share their love of flute-playing and obscure music.

The Barnard Flute Choir is one of, if not the only, non-audition music performance group on campus. We work with the theory that everyone should be able to perform music they enjoy, whether they are dedicating their lives to a music major or not. This accepting community bonds over our love of Disney songs and musicals. Our weekly rehearsals are bonding sessions, beyond just playing the music together.

A semester’s worth of work culminates in our final concert, coming up next Saturday, April 20th at 3pm in Sulzberger Parlor, located in Barnard Hall. The concert will feature selections from Beauty and the Beast, Hamilton, and Mozart’s The Magic Flute.

We hope you will attend and share in our love of flute music!

Sydney Hotz

Columbia Barnard

Sydney is in love with New York City, dogspotting, and chorizo tacos. She's an aspiring novelist, a Barnard feminist, and might deny she was born in New Jersey.