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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

Name: Wilfrido Torres

Year: 2016

Major/Minor: Economics

Where are you from?

I am from the Bronx, New York.

Tell us about your family!

I have a sister who’s a year older than me. I am also very close to my grandma. I come from a hard working family that has instilled those values in me. I consider my mom to be my best friend. My grandma is not only there to spoil me but to encourage my shenanigans.

Where is your favorite place to study on campus?

The meeting room on the second floor of the Pugh Center.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A businessman.

Okay, but if you could be anything, what would you be?

I would be an actor in Soap Operas.



What extra-curricular activities are you involved in?

I’m an ARD (Area Resident Director), I’m the coordinator for the Pugh Center First Year Student of Color Transition Program, and I’m a proud member of SOBHU (Students Organized for Black and Hispanic Unity).

What are you interested in both academically and for leisure?

I’m interested in learning about different countries and cultures. I love to travel—every chance I get, I do. I’m interested in engaging in dialogues with people with distinct perspectives and views, because you can learn something from every individual.

What’s your favorite fun fact about yourself?

Everytime I rotate my foot, it cracks.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I like to think I can act and dance. Even though I don’t engage in that type of behavior anymore.

What has been the best part of senior year at Colby so far?

Turning 21 and going to the Pub. No, but actually, meeting people from my class who have been here for four years, yet we have never met.

How was your study abroad experience?

Oh, it was AMAZING! I traveled a lot, I ate a lot, I learned a lot about the Spanish culture and tradition. It was nice to experience something new and be out of my comfort zone.

What were the last three songs you listened to?

  1. “What do U Mean?” – Justin Bieber

  2. “Addicted” – Prince Royce

  3. “Cheerleader” – OMI

If you could make one change to the world, playful or serious, what would it be?

I would have everyone take a nap (siesta) from 3pm-5pm everyday, just like Spaniards.

What’s something you’ve always wanted to say but never got the chance to say it?

I always say what I want to say, I don’t hold back.

What advice would you give to incoming students?

Enjoy every moment because time flies. And take all the opportunities available.

Hello Beautiful people!My name is Miriam Valle (some call me Mimi), I'm a southern Californian girl trying to stay warm in this winter wonderland, Colby! I'm really into colors, so I'm usually wearing something bright, I don't think I'm that hard to miss. I'm really excited to start writing for HerCampus, I hope my articles are as helpful to you as they are for me! 
Carli Jaff is a senior at Colby with a double major in American Studies and Education. Outside of classes and being a CC for Her Campus Colby, she is the Managing Editor of the school newspaper, a writing tutor at the college writers' center, a research assistant for the Head of the Education department, and a co-chair of Colby's Senior Pledge Committee. Carli is very excited to work for Her Campus Colby and share her love for college with you all!