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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

Jonathan Kalin has not only brought Colby College MAV and Party With Consent, but also a passion for everything he does which he shares with students and faculty around him.  Find out more of what Jonathan has to share about himself and these great clubs!

Where are you from?
New York City
What are you majoring/minoring in?
Philosophy and Chinese
What are some of the things you are involved with on campus?
This year I’ve been focused on the Date Week initiative, the Multicultural Literacy initiative, Take Your Professor to Coffee/Smoothie, Personal Development Meet-Ups, captaining the Basketball team, and just started sharing The Better Announcements 2.0 you should check it out!
What gave you the ideas to start these clubs and movements?
I take on certain initiatives because I’ve been asked to and am passionate about the meaning behind the work or because I recognize a problem and believe there is a new innovative way to solve it.  
What do you think the clubs like MAV and Party With Consent have brought to or has changed about Colby?
I hope that MAV and Party With Consent have raised awareness of sexual violence in our community, promoted enthusiastic consent, and challenged stereotypical definitions of masculinity.
Where do you find time to do so many activities?  What do you do when you have any spare time?
Taking on projects and trying to solve problems is my passion. I never really feel like I’m finding time unless I’m working on something that I’m not passionate about. In my spare time, I like playing with animals, watching Spongebob, and watching videos of cats and babies.
What is your favorite part about being involved at Colby?
The best part is the diversity of backgrounds/perspectives/opinions you encounter. The confrontations and educational moments are scary and uncomfortable, but I believe it is where most of my personal development has come.
Could you name any things that you haven’t done that you wish to accomplish before you graduate?
In high school (I went to boarding school), one spring day, my friends and I showered in every single building on campus. It took about 4 hours. Obviously, I would like to do that again at Colby.
I’d also like to put a basketball hoop up in Pulver one day and shoot around with some friends.
Not to mention a flash mob in Dana would be life-changing.
Do you have anything else you would like to share for our readers?
Following the advice of Kurt Nelson, I’ve tried to pick up the habit of coming up with 3 things I’m grateful for every morning. If you read this and see me around campus, it’d be so help if you helped hold me accountable and ask, “Hey John, what are the 3 things you are grateful for today?”


Gillian graduated from The Winsor School in Boston, MA in 2012 and is now a member of the class of 2016 at Colby College.