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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

It snowed on campus the other day, and I had planned on spending most of the day snuggled up under my covers drinking hot chocolate and getting reading done for class. However, my cozy plans were quickly squashed when my friend dragged me outside to appreciate the snow. Needless to say, I was happy he did, and not just because I got this picture out of it, but because I was forced to take a step back and appreciate the beauty of nature and this campus.

Carli Jaff is a senior at Colby with a double major in American Studies and Education. Outside of classes and being a CC for Her Campus Colby, she is the Managing Editor of the school newspaper, a writing tutor at the college writers' center, a research assistant for the Head of the Education department, and a co-chair of Colby's Senior Pledge Committee. Carli is very excited to work for Her Campus Colby and share her love for college with you all!