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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Coastal Carolina chapter.

Sometimes I get too busy to spend time with myself, and when I do have time to myself I usually spend it by watching Netflix. It’s important to stay connected with yourself on a deeper level too and that’s why I complied this list of thought provoking questions to ask yourself. These questions are designed to get you thinking about your perspectives and opinions on certain topics. I hope by asking yourself these questions you become more in tune with yourself, as I did. After you are done asking yourself these questions you can ask your friends and family too!


1. What do you value most in your life? 


2. If there is one thing you can change about you appearance, what would it be?


3. Do you like yourself right now? 


4. Do you have clarity when it comes to your life and future?


5.What was the most memorable dream you’ve ever had?


6. What has been the worst dream you’ve ever experienced?


7. What is your earliest memory?


8. Who is someone that has shaped your childhood other than your parents?


9. When’s the last time you were extremely happy?


10. Do you believe in an afterlife and why? 


11. Are you more likely to fall in love because it’s the right time or right person?


12. What quality does a person need to have for you to fall in love with them? 


13. What are you most passionate about right now?


14. Who is someone you think about reaching out to but you know you never will?


15. What time of day is your least favorite?


16. Do you believe in past lives? Who do you think you were?


17. When were you the most depressed in your life? 


18. What is something you need to work on to improve yourself? 


19. What emotion do you hate experiencing? 


20. What is a one quality that you can’t put up with in a significant other? 


21. What is a song that brings back bad memories? What about a song that brings back the best memories?


22. If you could host the perfect music festival who would the headliners be? 


23. If you could have any super power what would it be?


24. What’s one thing you wish your parents did differently when it came to raising you? 


25. When did you start to develop your own sense of fashion? What did you wear to set yourself apart?


26. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?


27. What is the most beautiful landscape you could ever imagine?


28. What do you find incredibly ugly? 


29. What makes you very uncomfortable?


30. Do you believe in soul mates? Have you ever met anyone you consider a soul mate? 


31. What’s your favorite work of art or literature? 


32. Would you rather be insecure or arrogant? 


33. If you died right now would you be satisfied or unsatisfied with your life?


34. Have you ever been sent a “sign”? 


35. What time period in your life were you the most happy? 


36. What’s your biggest regret? 


37. What’s your biggest fear?


38. What’s your biggest dream?


39. What’s something you plan on accomplishing today? 


40. How many times have you been in love? 


41. Are you unhappy with yourself? 


42. Are you living the life you want to be living? 


43. What’s something you’re talented in?


44. Have you ever impacted someone’s life for the better or worse? 


45. Is there someone you want to apologize to, but you are reluctant to?


46. Do you respect yourself to the level you deserve? 


47. What’s one thing you can start doing today that can improve the quality of your life? 


48. Who do you consider the most inspirational people in your life? 


49. If you could go back in time and tell yourself something, when would you go back and what would you say? 


50. Who is the last person you met that you had a strange connection to? 


51. Are you comfortable being alone?


52. Do you treat your friends and family with the love and respect they deserve? 


53. What are you most thankful for?


54. Who is someone that you never want to be like?


55. Do you see your own potential? 


56. Are you pushing yourself as much as you should be? 


57. If you could live in any time period when would it be? 


Emily Thorpe

Coastal Carolina '19

Hey, I'm Emily! Im a senior communication major at CCU. I grew up in the Catskill Mountains in Upstate New York. I love art, music, the outdoors and traveling. I'm so excited to be apart of Her Campus.