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Writing Tutors Say “Check dat essay before you wreck yo potential A!”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

The theme of this new semester is going to be “Real Talk.” Real Talk, Miley’s VMA dreads were no bueno. Real Talk, if you stand around chatting in Regatta’s at noon and impede the flow of traffic, you are bad stock and need to be set straight. These are all big truths, but perhaps the most important Real Talk is this: your academic writing… it… it could be a helluva lot better.

So could this… but that is another article entirely.

Luckily for you, the Alice F. Randall Writing Center is here to help you remedy your defective essays. Located in the newly installed Christopher Newport Hall, Suite 124, the Writing Center staffs specially trained and devastatingly attractive students who can help you at any stage of the writing process. Although it is obviously best to bring in your neatly typed first drafts well ahead of the due date instead of a stained and scrawled-upon napkin from Einstein’s 45 minutes before you need to submit your final paper to Scholar, the tutors can help with any kind of essay, even those technical science-y papers about glow-in-the-dark rainforest frogs or whatever it is they learn about in Forbes. Many teachers even give extra credit on assignments that were taken to the center so take advantage of that opportunity to get some of them sweet, sweet bonus points.

Admit it, you will take any excuse to go inside this beauty.

This does not ring true just for the freshman straight out of high school and holding on to their five paragraph formatted essay structure for dear life. The Writing Center is an excellent resource for upperclassmen and can be a life saver for those required writing intensives that give you the panicky sweats late at night. Go to the Writing Center’s website and schedule a time to meet with a specific tutor, or shoot them an email at wcenter@cnu.edu to get more information!

Tuck your pride, comrades! Visit the writing center and just remember…