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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Name: Will Craun

Major: Physics and Mathematics

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Fairfax, Va.

Relationship Status: It’s Complicated

Tell me a little about your on campus involvement.

“I’m a brother of Pi Lambda Phi and I’m a performer in ‘A Troup Called Quest,’ which is an improv group on campus. As a performer, we put on shows monthly on campus and participate in off campus shows as well. I also do intramural men’s softball, co-rec softball, and men’s dodgeball… don’t ask me how we did this season.”

Why did you choose CNU?

“I chose CNU because I fell in love with the campus’s beauty and I thought that the academic standard here was perfect for me.”

What has been your most embarrassing moment at CNU?

“What happens on the regular – I’ll yell across campus for a friend, and I keep saying their name… and it’s not them. And then I’m stuck making awkward eye contact. And then I try to talk to them to make it less awkward. But it’s still just as awkward.”

What do you want to be when you grow up?

“I want to be a professor of physics because I’ve always had a passion for teaching, so much so I came to CNU to be a physics high school teacher. I’ve recently changed my mind and decided to become a professor. I’ve always wanted to teach, and being a professor is doing so in a manner that I would find the most fun.”

Tell me your best joke.

“Putting me on the spot here… How long can it be?

So there’s this man. And he just got away with stealing millions upon millions of dollars from a French museum. Well it turns out that this man was caught by the French police two blocks away. So the police officer calmly approaches the man and says, “Why didn’t you run away? You could’ve gotten away with millions of dollars of priceless French paintings.”

The man says, “Well do you see my van?”

The officer replies, “Yes, I do see your van.”

The man says, “Well my van is out of gas. And here’s the thing. I needed the Monet to get Dagas to make the Van Gogh.”

What about your best pick-up line?

“Um… ‘Hey, you’re really cute.’”

Do you have a secret talent?

“I’m pretty good at trivia – a trivia master you could say.”

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

“Well. Preferably, I would pick up my date and we would just be wearing normal clothing to go and do normal date things. First stop on this magical night of awesomeness, we would walk on the beach before it gets too dark and cold. And then we would head to a nice little restaurant where we have the option to gorge ourselves in spaghetti, or have a nice plate of chicken parm. After that, we would make our way back to campus and sit at the top of CNU Hall and just cuddle each other and talk for hours upon hours until one of us would like to go to bed. And then I would walk my date home, making sure she gets home safe, and then out of nowhere, fireworks just start going off about 20 feet away from me. And my date would be like, ‘Oh my gosh, you’re so cool,’ but I’m gone in the flash of amazing fireworks… but that last part might not be true. And that’s it.”

Which Disney princess would you be and why?

“Oooooh… Um… I don’t know. Sleeping Beauty is Aurora… I’d be Aurora because I get to sleep all day.”

What’s your favorite childhood memory?

“My favorite childhood memory… Well as a suave two-year-old that I once was… I used to run down to the swimming pool gate and talk to any patrons that I saw on the poolside. The only exception is that I wasn’t wearing any clothes except for a pair of tennis shows. However, I don’t remember this, but I believe it to be the peak of my childhood. True story.”

What’s your favorite activity to relax?

“Ooooh… Just being outside in the fresh air either listening to music or people-watching.”

Who’s your Woman Crush Wednesday?

“Rachel Chalkley, because she has been such a good friend ever since senior year of high school when we really started to bond. There’s never a time where I feel uncomfortable to talk to her, and she’ll always be the realest of the realest.”

What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever gotten?

“When I was 6, I got a Clifford the Big Red Dog stuffed animal, and he talked when you squeezed his paw. It really blew my 6-year-old mind.”

What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever given?

“I once gave a very good friend of mine a nice wooden watch. Well, I surprised my friend when I brought up the subject of whether or not we would be giving each other Christmas presents and she responded, ‘I don’t know maybe,’ and BAM, there it was.”

What are you most looking forward to about winter break?

“Just being able to relax until my parents make me do a bunch of chores.”

What’s something that you want people to know about you?

“Every person is unique and individual, so you should not judge others for their weirdnesses. Basically, I’m weird, please don’t judge me.”

CNU '17, Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Trebled Youth A Cappella, Taylor Swift and Mary-Kate Hovanic are my Spirit Animals, 'Merica