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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. A few weeks ago I had spring break and it did not seem long enough. On my second day back, I was ready for another break, but that wasn’t exactly possible. I am sure I am not alone with wanting to go back on break or just wanting to chill for a day, so I thought I would give some tips/create a guide for self care day on a college student’s budget.

To start off, a good self care day would be to get a nice candle to set the day. I know Target has nice candles for $3.00. Some of my favorite scents from the threshold collection at Target are Apple Blossom & Breeze and Red Mandarin & Guava. Or if you are not into candles, you can make your own concoction by getting a pot full of water and putting oranges, apples, eucalyptus, cinnamon, etc and boiling until the aroma hits you. 

Next would be to have a nice relaxing bath. For some side entertainment, you could listen to music, read a book that’s been sitting on your desk or catch up on a show.

After your nice relaxing bath, wash your face or do a face mask. Sometimes just washing your face really helps turn things around. 

None of this has to be done in a certain order or anything, but somewhere along the day you will get hungry. If you are not feeling dining hall food, today might be the day to get some takeout. Takeout doesn’t have to be expensive, either. I know freshman year my roommates and I took advantage of Wendy’s 4 for 4 menu and got a decent amount of food. 

Next would be to get fresh air, go outdoors and take a walk. Fresh air truly helps clear the mind. 

Lastly, and this should probably be done last. I recommend writing a to-do list. Get yourself organized so tomorrow can be a bit easier and don’t think you have to get everything on your to-do list done in one day. Take everything day by day, task by task.

These are my tips on how to have a peaceful self-care day. There are plenty more things someone could do, but these seem to do the trick for my roommates and I when things become too much. Hope you enjoyed, until next time.

Hi everyone my name is Nicole and I am a senior at CNU. I am majoring in psychology and am currently applying to graduate school to become a licensed counselor. I currently enjoy watching American Horror Story with my roommates and reading.