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The Phases of Midterms (and How to Survive)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

MIDTERMS ARE HERE! Already? The first day of school was like last week though… where did the time go? Here are the phases of going through midterms and some tips on how to get through them!

1. Realizing it’s even time for midterms

Midterms always sneak up on everyone. Especially because they aren’t scheduled out the same way as finals and because not all classes have them, they tend to always just seem to appear out of nowhere. If they do sneak up on you, don’t panic, because most of the time you won’t have one in every class or they won’t be cumulative.

2. You wallow in self-pity for a while

Instead of panicking about the inevitable cramming, you decide to avoid your responsibilities by watching Netflix and napping. This is okay for a little bit, but you have to get it together eventually so you don’t tank your GPA.

3. You decide it’s time to get it together

You might make a nice studying schedule or actually write things down in your planner for the first time in the semester. When you are in this phase, really own it! You go to that library. You do those study guides. Having trouble getting to this phase? Caffeine is your best friend! Also, let the peer pressure get to you. If your friends are going to the lib, make yourself tag along to get some work done. 

4. After exerting all of that effort, the crash comes

That near all-nighter kicked your butt, and all you want to do is curl up in a ball and sleep and/or cry. To avoid this, stick to that studying schedule and pace yourself! You don’t want to be so sleep-deprived that you can’t focus come test time.

5. You have your first test, and you feel like you did horribly

Studying for something for hours on end and then still feeling like you didn’t do well is the worst feeling. Odds are, unless you did absolutely no studying, you didn’t do as badly as you think you did. So pull yourself together because you still have more tests to focus on!

6. You get through the rest of your tests somehow

With a combination of all of the other phases from before your first test, you get through the rest of your midterms! You might be a walking zombie because it’s not an easy feat, but you pull it off nonetheless. It helps to stay positive and take study breaks! And, if you can, do something fun at some point if you have the time so that you aren’t miserable for all of midterms.

7. You finish all your tests and FALL BREAK HAS COME!!

The break that we have all been waiting for since the second week of school has finally come! You have defeated midterms! Go home and do ALL THE FALL ACTIVITIES! Even if you aren’t going home, use this time to revitalize for the second half of the semester!

8. You realize that this is nothing compared to finals

Now that is a totally different story.

Sadie is a senior at Christopher Newport University with a major in Communication Studies and a double minor in English Literature and Theatre. Sadie is the Social Media Director and Instagram Admin. of the CNU chapter of HerCampus, the Vice President of Take Note a Cappella, the Treasurer of Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity, and Secretary of Lambda Pi Eta Communications Honor Society. Sadie enjoys singing, justice, Harry Potter, Netflix, rhetoric, hanging out with her Squad at home and her Clique at school, Mexican Food, and a good GIF.