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Lack of Motivation as told by Parks and Rec

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.
  • Trying to convince yourself to actually go to class.

It gets harder and harder to miss class the farther you get into the semester. And I mean, is missing one… or three… classes really going to kill you?


  • Procrastinating on all of your assignments.

I still have four hours until this is do. I’m sure it’ll only take me like a couple minutes. I’ll do it eventually.


  • Not studying for your tests until day of.

I mean, I know this material pretty well. I’m sure if I glance over it before class I’ll remember everything.


  • You’re new mantra is “C’s get degrees!”.

C’s are average. At least I’m not doing below average.


  • Pulling Netflix up on your computer after you’ve written one sentence for your essay.

I’ll just watch one episode. *One season later* Oh well would you look at that? It’s too late to write this essay, I’ll just work on it tomorrow.


  • Telling yourself you’ll do better next week just to watch it turn out the same.

I mean, I’m sure I’ll find my motivation at some point…

FIrst I drink the coffee, then I do the things.