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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

It’s that time of the year, midterms are here! Midterm season is stressful and can feel super overwhelming. I have found a few things that have made studying and preparing a little easier. These are my tips on how to survive midterm exam season.

Utilize the Study Spaces your University Provides

Studying in your own room can be super distracting and really unproductive. I’ve found that by getting out of my own space and into a room designated for learning, I’m far more likely to finish the work I need done. There are great spaces in the library, academic buildings, and even in the dorms dedicated to your studies; use them! Make the most of the money you spend on your education and utilize all of the assets!

Make your Notes Colorful

Reading black and white notes is so boring. Using colorful pens and highlighters can make your notes much more interesting to view and work as an organizational system. I like to use different color highlighters to sort how confident I feel about different pieces of information. I also love using sticky notes to summarize larger points being made throughout my notes.

Take Breaks

It is so important to take small breaks while studying. I like to set a timer for 30 minutes to do work/study and then take a 5-minute break. During my break, I usually eat a quick snack, talk to a friend, or check my phone. Our brains can only process so much information in one sitting and taking breaks ensures you’re not forcing yourself to work too hard. Be kind to your mind!

Be Proud of Yourself

Celebrate the small stuff! Midterm grades feel so big and scary at the moment but you have to remember that your grades do not define your worth. Trying your best and making a valiant attempt to succeed is a win in itself. Of course, it’s great to get an awesome score on the test you’ve been studying for, but it’s important to realize that its such a small piece of a much bigger picture.

Good luck to all those who are taking midterms in the next few weeks and to those who have already taken them. Remember that you are so much more than one grade. Happy studying!

Brynne is a current Freshman at Christopher Newport University. She enjoys trips to Barnes & Noble and is totally open to debate who the superior member of One Direction is!