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The Emotional Stages before a Presentation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Presentations are rough, especially for those out there who HATE having to stand in front of the class, and talk for an extended period of time. And these people also know the emotional rollercoaster you go through the days leading up to a presentation.

1. The smug feeling of signing up for a presentation date that’s weeks away. Why sign up for an earlier date and get the presentation over with when you can just put it off for a few weeks? Definitely not going to regret that choice later in the semester.

2. The sheer panic when you realize your presentation is the next week. Way to go past self. Why didn’t you sign up for an earlier date? This could all be over. Now I have to think of all the things that could possibly go wrong and just have an overall panic-sesh for the next few days.

3. Denial. What presentation? I don’t have a presentation.

4. Sad acceptance, because you have to start working on it. One good thing about stressing over presentations, is you make sure they’re really good so your chances of embarrassing yourself in front of the entire class become slimmer.

5. Denial. Seriously, this presentation isn’t actually happening.

6. That random feeling of confidence you get a few days before. You got this, future self! You’re going to do amazing and the professor is going to be so impressed! (This feeling usually ends about 10 seconds later).

7. Denial. Nope. It’s not happening.

8. Did I mention denial? Because seriously. This presentation is not a thing.

9. The sheer panic the moment before you present. The ‘oh crap’ moment when you get to the front of the class. Everyone’s staring. You wait for the dreaded moment when the professor tells you to start.

10. The immense relief you feel when it’s over. Nothing can go wrong in those moments after a presentation. You’re free. You have no worries. Life is wonderful. Until the next presentation…

FIrst I drink the coffee, then I do the things.