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8 Reasons Why Bully Breeds Are The Only Good Bullies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Bully breeds, a truly undefinable word, is more about visuals. Boxers, pit bulls, mastiffs, bulldogs and so on; all the dogs that have gained a bad rap by society and the death sentence in some governments. Bully breeds may have the word “bully” in their name, but they are some of the sweetest, most loving dogs you will ever meet. 

1. Reputation

It’s like they know that society looks down on them and that their reputation precedes them. From breed specific legislation to renter and military housing restrictions, bullies face adversity their whole lives. Because of this, they try the hardest to win everyone’s hearts and are such loving animals.  

2. Resilience

Sadly, a large portion of bully breeds around the world are tortured, forced to fight, and/or live in generally harsh conditions. There are countless stories circulating the internet and bookstores about bullies’ resilience in these conditions. They stay alive against impossible odds and, if rescued, most are able to heal and go on to live long and happy lives with rescues or forever homes.

3. Affectionate

Bullies will always greet you with wiggling butts and lots of kisses, even if they don’t know you. They want all the pets and will show you their pink tummies in return (I met this dog in Peru seconds before this picture was taken, and I mean, just look at her.).

4. Babies

Let’s be honest: all bullies are just big babies. I mean, c’mon:

5. Lap dogs

You know what those thick bodies are good for? Laps? Is that what you said? Bullies are lovers of the lap, whether they’re 20 pounds or 120 pounds. Nothing can stop them from climbing into a lap, not even grunts and shouts of pain.

6. Good with kids

Honestly, I’d rather leave my child with a dog babysitter than a human one. Bad parenting you say? Well, have you ever seen a human lick spaghetti-os off a child’s face until his face his clean and laughing? That’s commitment, people!

6. Different shapes and sizes

Bullies come in all different body types, just like us. They can be a few pounds all the way up to 100+! Stumpy legs, long legs, floppy ears, clipped ears, long shaggy tail, no tail. They’re like a dog art show where every creation is completely different.

7. Models

Have you ever taken a picture of a bully breed? They’re lowkey models! Smiles, smolders, ears-perked, sit, stand, they do it all!

8. Owners

Bully breed owners are some of the most passionate people you will ever meet. From fighting unjust breed specific legislation to creating rescues to save as many sweet babies as possible, they do it all. I have never seen a more inspirational and strong-willed group of people in my life; they are true superheroes.

Basically, it’s unarguable, bully breeds are perfect (I’m kidding Carol, I know your maltese is your perfect baby, calm down.). Even though I personally think bully breeds are God’s gift to the earth and we definitely don’t deserve them, every dog is an individual, with an individual history, personality, and lease on life. It is important to spend quality time with the animal and introduce it to any animals or children that are already in your home, before giving him/her a forever home. And, as always, please adopt, don’t shop.  

(Special thanks to the Peninsula SPCA and Ring Dog Rescue for letting me take pictures of your furbabies)

In loving memory of Prince and all the other dogs whose lives are ended too soon.

Happiest when there is a dog close by. Lover of black coffee and photography. CNU may be where I go to school, but RVA has my heart