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Seven Simple Ways to Make Your Day a Whole Lot Better

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.

You’re stressed out about upcoming midterms, you’re sick of having to wear rain boots five days in a row, and that breakfast burrito tastes… horrible. Can this day get any worse? Probably. It can also get better, though, with just a bit of positive energy! Here are seven simple ways to make your day a whole lot better.

  1. Give compliments.  Let your friend know that she looks lovely in her outfit today. Compliment your classmate on how great his presentation was. After complimenting, feel your body release a little tension, and your breathing becoming a bit slower and deeper. Granting compliments can be a healing gesture for others and ourselves.
  1. Opt out of fries as a side.  Instead, grab an apple or a banana. Eating healthy is not only is beneficial for your physical health, but also for your mental health. Give yourself a pat on the back.
  1. Say “Thank You.” Thank your roommate for vacuuming the whole room while you were gone. Say thanks to your boyfriend for always being a great listener. Thank the stranger who held the door open for you. Let them know that you truly appreciate what they’ve done for you, and let yourself know that you’re someone who knows how to be appreciative.
  1. Clean your room.  Go ahead and recycle that box that your brand-new boots came in… about a month and a half ago. Clean your desk and make your bed. A tidy living space, or the process of cleanup itself may easily brighten up your day. (Go ahead and blast your workout playlist while you’re at it.)
  1. Drink water.  Lots of it. It is recommended that one should drink at least 8 cups of water per day. Nice skin, detox effects, and calorie control are just some of the perks of drinking plenty of water.  And what’s more, did you know that water helps you be more alert and think better?
  1. Smile, smile, smile.  Smiling takes little to no effort, yet so many of us forget to do so often times. Smiling can help change your mood, relieve your stress, and make you attractive. Smiling is also contagious! Your smile at a stranger may trigger a chain reaction that brightens up the days of many more people.
  1. Call your parents.  They’ve definitely been waiting for this call. Let them know that you miss and love them!

Which of these have you done today?

Laura Stiles is a Creative Writing, Professional Writing double major at Carnegie Mellon University who will be graduating in May 2014. In addition to being Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Carnegie Mellon chapter of HerCampus.com, she is Co-Prose Editor of The Oakland Review, Carnegie Mellon’s literary-arts journal, a manuscript reader for Carnegie Mellon University Press, and has copy-edited for Carnegie Mellon’s newspaper, The Tartan. She was also Communications and Arts Management Intern at The Hillman Center for Performing Arts in summer 2012, and is ecstatic to be studying abroad in Sheffield, England in spring 2013. In her free time, she enjoys singing along to music on long car rides, spontaneously kicking off her shoes to explore lakes and creeks, and curling up with a soft blanket and a captivating book. She was also recently pleasantly surprised to discover that she has a taste for sushi.