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Healthy Hair–Even in the Polar Vortex?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.

When I walked to class this morning, it was negative 4 degrees. I had leggings on under my jeans, socks under my over-the-knee socks, a sweater under my turtleneck, and two scarves tucked under my coat (one for my neck, one for my face).

While the wind pierced through my many layers, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t thinking about my hair. Of course, once I got home and looked in the mirror, I saw Albert Einstein with cleavage staring back at me. I looked like a science experiment gone wrong or an electrocuted clown.

All dramatics aside, the cold weather is really horrible for your hair. It’s the ultimate first world problem (he was totally looking at my split ends!) but changing a few things can make it no longer your problem.

Hydrating Shampoo & Conditioner

Cold winds can make your hair really brittle and break easily. That’s why it’s important to use a hydrating shampoo and ensure that both your scalp and your hair are healthy. Remember to use conditioner!

Shorter, Colder, and Less Frequent Showers

Hot water dries out your hair and, if you dye it, also shortens your dye-life-expectancy. Stick to lukewarm showers and be quick about it. Long, hot showers dry out your skin too–something you definitely don’t want to contribute to in this weather! Also, try not to shower everyday to avoid drying it out more.


I know there’s some controversy over whether or not vitamins work, but I’ve noticed my hair growing so much faster since I’ve started taking Biotin and Omega-3 supplements. Omega-3 has so many benefits that even if you like your hair frizzy you should take it. You should also take a women’s multi-vitamin and a calcium supplement! There are things more important than hair, like healthy bones, organs, and energy. I recommend women’s gummy vitamins because then it’s as if you’re eating candy only it’s full of the sweet sweet taste of health that is designed with women’s needs in mind. You’ll get the added benefits of zinc, iron and B12. Vitamin A is also good for hair (and eyes. Think carrots!)

Food Choices

Try to pick foods full of protein and good fats. You’ll have strong muscles and gorgeous hair! Seafood is an awesome place to find both of these important nutrients. I recommend salmon, but really any fish works. Yay for naturally occurring Omega-3s! Who knew you were one filet from being Jennifer Anniston. Don’t eat meat? Lentils and nuts provide a great alternative.

I am a junior Materials Science and Engineering mjaor at Carnegie Mellon University, and I am also minoring in Professional Writing and Business. I am a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma.  I love TV and trying out new beauty products.  I follow E! on Twitter so that I can stay up-to-date on celebrity news.  I'm royal-obsessed, and I love Kate Middleton's style.  I'm kind of a Sephora addict, and I could easily spend hours there.  I also spend way too much time on Pinterest.  Finally, I love hockey and all Pittsburgh sports.