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Halloween Decorations Back Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.

In my family, decorating for Halloween is serious business. It means getting started in September, planning extensively, and using power tools and other supplies from Home Depot. The preparation is no small matter, but the final effect is spooky and fun. Since I’m away during Halloween this year, I had to get my family to send me pictures. Nothing can replace actually being there and hanging foam ghosts in the trees, but these pictures at least let me see what new horrors have been added since last year. And thanks to the Internet, so can you!

            Here we go, a tour of my yard in October:


A well-placed clown mask: simple, yet effective.


A terrible creature in a cage with gaps between bars that are just a little too wide for comfort

A mouse trap, but with a Hershey’s Kiss instead of cheese, and children instead of mice.

Three witches with a cauldron, a classic.

A creepy dinner, complete with skulls, rats, and brains.

Looks like we need stronger chains.

In the front, we have a rack for stretching. In the back, a guillotine for head-chopping. And in the top right corner, some ghosts, just hanging out.

Here we have the Grim Reaper and a multi-purpose guillotine. No longer must you only chop your victims at the neck; watch as this Pit-and-the-Pendulum-style blade slices a man in half at the waist!


Of course gravestones are a must.


A coffin for Dracula, and a skeleton with not all of his appendages exactly attached to his body

So that’s Halloween at my house. Well, to be more precise, that’s all of October at my house. When you put this much effort into decorating, you want it to stay up for a while.

I'm a lover of writing, art and music. I'm always down for a chat, and love listening to people tell their stories.