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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.

Hometown: San Jose, CA

Major: Business Administration

Involvement on Campus: Academic Development Tutor, Moneythink, Panhellenic Executive Board, Library Circulation Desk Attendant

Astrological Sign: Aries

Hobbies/ Interests: Sleeping, eating, making good life decisions, bringing joy to others

Favorite Cuisine: Italian

Celebrity Crush: One Direction (I AM NOT ASHAMED)

Favorite TV Show: 19 Kids and Counting

Favorite Book: Brave New World

Favorite Movie: Inception

Favorite Thing About CMU: The indoor bridges that connect buildings and make it possible to get to class in the winter without getting frostbite

Choose a Superpower: The ability to stop falling asleep everywhere

Fun Fact: I stopped a ski lift once because I didn’t know how to get off

3 words to describe yourself: I’m a star

Choose three people to have dinner with – one living, one dead, and one fictional: Bill Clinton, Steve Jobs, Rachel from Friends