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Valentine’s Day from a Guy’s Perspective

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.


1. It’s a holiday, not a competition

I don’t care what your friends are doing. I don’t care what their boyfriends are doing for them. Not in a mean way, I’m just indifferent. Envy is not sexy.

2. Gratitude goes a long way

If you’re lucky enough to have a significant other on Valentine’s day, you’re luckier than most. Take the time to let them know how much you appreciate them. Don’t let a commercialized holiday change your relationship dynamic.

3. You remember doing what you’ve never done before

Candlelit dinners are a beautiful thing, but put a twist on the holiday and go somewhere novel. Go out on Hartwell. Drink expensive champagne. Sneak up the Tillman bell tower. Get romantic in the monsoon room. Be creative or spontaneous and the memories will last a hell of a lot longer than the food would. 

4. Smile

It’s a holiday based on a flying baby floating around in a diaper, shooting people with arrows to make them fall in love. Point being, don’t take it seriously and have fun with it, whether you’re flying solo or got bling on the fing.      

Happy Valentine’s Day, you gorgeous, intelligent, fun-loving, amazing Clemson women. 





