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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

Consent is a topic that has, in the past, been taboo but has thankfully become a word more frequently discussed. However, sadly in this day and age, people still do not fully understand the concept of consent. We are still blaming women for sexual abuse, letting men off of the hook for sexual abuse, and believing that consent is something that cannot be revoked. Somehow, tea has unblurred the lines of consent and opened up a new, updated conversation about sexual consent.

In this video, a man explains consent very frankly using tea as a symbol for sex. While the video is very funny, it is able to discuss a serious matter extremely well. It makes consent seem like common sense instead of work or unnecessary, as some make it out to be.

Consent is not a difficult concept to understand and should no longer be a taboo subject. Let’s use this video as an example for an easy-going, funny, and still incredibly informative way to teach consent.

“If you can understand how completely ludicrous it is to force people to have tea when they don’t want tea, and you’re able to understand when people don’t want tea, then how hard is it to understand it when it comes to sex. Whether it’s tea or sex, consent is everything.”

Sydney Snowden is from the little town of Ormond Beach, Florida only a skip down the road from the beach. Now a current student at Clemson University in South Carolina, she is an English major and is just now seeing that seasons actually do exist. Sydney is a music festival junkie, Waffle house addict, and a secret Broadway lover. Contact her: sasnowd@g.clemson.edu @syddsnoww on instagram!