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Being an Oldest Child in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.


1. You have no idea what to expect

And your parents don’t either. Pretty much every other experience you’ve ever had and will ever have, you’re the guinea pig. There’s no older sibling to give you advice and pass down knowledge. That’s all on you. Embrace the unknown you brave soul!


2. You have no one to boss around

Younger siblings where are you? Maybe I’ll Facetime them and see what’s going on (and make sure it’s acceptable).


3. You appreciate the alone time but miss the busy lifestyle back home

You’ve always loved your alone time and college gives you plenty of that. However, the silence can sometimes get too much and, even though you swore you’d never miss it, you find yourself craving the constant state of craziness back home.


4. You‘re much more mature than a lot of your friends

But, really, this has always been this case. The responsibility that you were naturally instilled with as an oldest child sets you apart from many of your friends. Even though you don’t always show it, you might not always fully approve of the 3 a.m. dance parties your hall mates seem to like to throw on Tuesday nights.


5. You find that you gravitate towards other oldest kids when making friends

Another trend you’re used to. Opposites do attract, but you can form strong bonds when you find another person with that oh-so-familiar, stereotypical, naturally “oldest child” personality.


6. You can handle the freedom

You appreciate being able to run your own schedule and do things on your own terms. You’re very independent and this can be a blessing when it comes to the crazy college workload that many people struggle with when given this new responsibility.


7. It’s tough, but you’ll do great, as always

You know it, your parents know it and your friends know it. You’ve handled new and difficult situations before and this is no different! You can rely on your intelligence, personal   responsibility and the capability you know you have to get you through with huge success!



Rebecca is originally from Massachusetts and is currently a sophomore at Clemson University double majoring in English and Secondary Education. She is a lover of the beach, breakfast, traveling, her awesome family and friends, working out, great books, Clemson football and classic rock.
Caitlin Barkley is currently a senior at Clemson University pursuing a degree in both Biology and Psychology. In 2016-2017, she served as the Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus Clemson after joining her freshman year. She is also an ambassador with the Calhoun Honors College, a teacher with Clemson Dancers, and a member of Tiger Strut Dance Company. Caitlin is a colonizing member of the South Carolina Beta Chapter of Pi Beta Phi, and she serves as the current Chapter President. A few of her favorite things include coffee, her Clemson ring, and fuzzy blankets! Follow her on Instagram @c_barkley19