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5 Places to Relax in Clemson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

Take a Break-Top 5 Places to Relax in Clemson


The second semester runt is in full effect. During the fall semester students have tons to look forward to. From starting a new school year to the excitement around football, every student seems more excited to be back in Death Valley. As the second semester rolls around, most students are ready for summer and to have a little break from academics. With May graduation, finding summer internships, and finding jobs, the spring semester can seem a little hectic. Here are some mini-retreats from the stresses of college to get you through the next few months.


1) Campus Beach: If you want a peaceful place to get away from campus this is the place to do it. Campus beach is the only place in the upstate to roll out a beach-towel on some sand and relax by the water. With the weather warming up this is the perfect place to to enjoy the outdoors.



2) Issaqueena Lake and Dam Trail: If you are looking for a retreat a little farther from the main campus, going on a hike in Issaqueena will be perfect for you. Get a group of friends and enjoy nature, and make sure to check out the waterfalls while you’re there.



3) Catch a Show: Between the Brooks Center for Performing Arts, and McKissick Theatre in the Hendrix Student Center there are many opportunities to watch a play or movie for little to no cost. An added bonus to watching movies is McKissick Theatre are that students get free popcorn and drinks.



4) Spa Day: If you need a little more relaxation you should head over to Fike Recreation Center for a massage therapy session. Massages are discounted for students and run between $10-90.



5) South Carolina Botanical Gardens: Another outdoor mini-vacation is right on campus at the Botanical Gardens. You will definitely be able to clear your mind amongst the beautiful flowers and near the peaceful streams.


Hey! My name's Liz and I'm a Sigma Kappa at Clemson University! I love my school more than anything in the world and love sharing that with y'all!!