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10 Movies To Watch Because You Survived Finals!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.
1. The Princess Bride
A hilarious comedy about lost love and six-fingered men, the faux 
seriousness of it all is part of the fun. This one is sure to have you laughing 
and forgetting about how you did on that history test. 
2. School of Rock
What could beat Jack Black yelling at a bunch of children about “sticking it to 
the man”? That’s right, nothing. This classic movie will have “rock got no 
reason, rock got no rhyme” stuck in your head, replacing all thoughts of 
music theory that you crammed in there.
3. Despicable Me
This movie is undeniably great – it has everything from boogie robots to 
minions to annoying noises. It’s a feel-good that will also make you laugh and 
not worry so much about your physics grade (because if Gru can steal the 
moon, you really just shouldn’t even bother anymore).
4. Shaun of the Dead
If you like terrible zombie movies, this one is for you. The world becomes 
plagued by zombies, and Shaun and his crew must figure out a way to 
survive. Hilarity ensues. Add in the fact that their British and you can pretend you’re somewhere
cool like England and not the airport trying to get home.
5. You Don’t Mess with the Zohan 
Adam Sandler as an Israeli soldier turned hair stylist – what could go wrong? 
Everything, naturally. One of Adam Sandler’s most underrated roles, this 
movie is hilarious nearly every minute. No need to take cosmetology 
next semester folks, this movie has you covered. 
6. Wet Hot American Summer
The killer cast is just the tip of the iceberg with this one. A spoof on camp 
movies, this one will have you rolling with laughter from the get-go. It has 
irresponsible camp counselors, a talking tin can, and even a super scary 
space-related plot twist. Take that, astronomy class you didn’t go to all 
7. Young Frankenstein
Gene Wilder is an amazing Dr. Frankenstein whose monster goes awry is a 
hilarious retelling of the classic horror story. The amount of quotable one-
liners in this movie is incredible and the black-and-white effect only adds to 
the humor of it all. You will be wishing Dr. Frankenstein had been your
Biology teacher all semester, maybe you would have listened.
8. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
This film is another quotable one. The humor is so ridiculous that you can’t 
help but laugh. You follow King Arthur on his quest for the Holy Grail, and 
meet his incompetent comrades who get themselves into all sorts of trouble. 
Let the Christmas cookies wipe out everything you learned in medieval history, all
you need to know is that coconuts are not migratory. 
9. Ted
Does it really get any better than Mark Wahlberg and Seth MacFarlane? This 
movie about a talking teddy bear is full of crude humor and ridiculous antics. 
Stop crying about probably failing animal science, sit down, and watch a 
stuffed animal curse like a sailor and sing the thunder buddies song. 
10. 17 Again
Zac Efron plays a middle-aged man who turns back into a high schooler again 
and has to relive the awful days of teenage angst. With Matthew Perry (aka 
Chandler Bing) playing the middle-aged version of Zac Efron, it’s sure to be 
good. Especially when 17-year-old Zac tries to bust a move on his middle-
aged wife. Things get weird. It’s great. So pack up all your textbooks 
and give this one a watch.
Well, there you go. Ten movies to choose from because you survived your finals!
Take a breather, watch a funny movie, and then get back stalking Blackboard like it’s your job!
My name is Carly McRae and I'm a junior at Clemson University. I'm studying Secondary Education with an emphasis in English and am in denial that I'm more than halfway done with school. I'm a member of TakeNote, our female a cappella group, Clemson University Singers, as well as the Beta Kappa chapter of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. I love being a Clemson tiger and am so excited to be writing for Her Campus!
Hey! My name's Liz and I'm a Sigma Kappa at Clemson University! I love my school more than anything in the world and love sharing that with y'all!!