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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

Sometimes it’s nice to get out of Clifton and explore other places.  Spring break is the perfect opportunity to travel and see the world, and Los Angeles is quite the city to fall in love with.  The city is crazy beautiful, and while stuck in LA traffic, it’s hard not to gawk over the beautiful views it has to offer of hills, palm trees and the Hollywood sign – It’s so surreal. 


There’s always something to do in Los Angeles.  One place that host millions of tourists every year include Warner Brother’s Studio, where tours are led by wonderful guides showing where and how the magic comes to life on the big screens. 

Santa Monica Pier is another great place to go with constant entertainment.  Performers line the pier as well as little shops, restaurants and amusement rides.  Visitors can enjoy a day in the sun enjoying the pier, laying out on the beach or visiting Muscle Beach, which is located in Santa Monica right off the pier. 

Venice Beach is a popular location as well.  Many shops and entertainment make this area unique.  A celebrity hot spot, many famous people enjoy the town and beach, which is part of the fun of walking around, being on the lookout to the big stars you love. 

…and let’s not forget In-N-Out Burger

A trip to Los Angeles should definitely be on your list of places to go.  This fun city has so much to offer and gives your trip both a city and beach type feel.