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These GIFs Describe Exactly How We Feel During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

Finals are so contradictory because you’re so excited for Winter Break, but you have to climb a mountain of papers and exams to get there. Here are five GIFs that represent our feeling exactly. 

1. Feeling like you’ve been studying forever.2. Wanting to go out with friends, but knowing you should stay in and study some more.3. Needing sleep!4. Feeling prepared for your test and flipping to the first question…5.  Being ready to go home




NY. CCM Musical Theatre Class of 2021.
Lauren Lewis


Lauren Lewis is a fourth year at the University of Cincinnati double majoring in International Affairs and Creative Writing. When she's not on Pinterest fawning over recipes and crafts, she's drinking copious amounts of chai tea, finding the hidden treasures of Cincinnati, and shopping for inexpensive books at Good Will.