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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

The semester is winding down and I cannot be the only one who thinks they can’t physically do it anymore. Well I am here to tell you, you absolutely can do it! That is about as preachy as I will get. But in all seriousness, the light at the end of the tunnel is approaching, slowly but surely. Summer is right around the corner and it seems so close, but so far away. The end will be here sooner than you think and all the stress will be gone! That is until your summer internship or classes begin again.  


But for the time being, here are five tips to remind yourself that you WILL be able to get through this last week of classes.  


1. Don’t Stress Over the Little Things 


Chances are, you’ve procrastinated every single item on your todo list by now. Right now it probably feels like your life depends on this one final project or final exam and if you don’t pass you will never get a job. That cannot be further from the truth. While these assignments are important, just think, will you remember this in five or even 10 years? Probably not. Odds are you won’t be sitting at a bar reminiscing on the Anatomy exam you crammed for during second semester of your sophomore year.  I encourage you to just do your best (so cliché, I hate me too), but to not bend yourself all out of shape for this. It will all work out and you will do amazing! 




2. Make Sure to Get Enough Sleep  


During times of stress we tend to put ourselves last. We view our health as secondary to everything, when really it should be a top priority. You have probably heard that you need to be getting a certain number of hours of sleep every night a million times before. There is a reason that this phrase is repeated so often, it is absolutely true! For us college students, getting a full eight hours seems impossible at some points. Just remember, SOME sleep is always better than none. Pulling an all nighter might seem like a good idea, but odds are you will regret it in the morning. Even if you get two hours of sleep, that is better than getting no sleep.  


3. Break Up Your Study Material  

Don’t add to your stress load by looking at everything all at once. This will only stress you out more. Look at everything day by day and take it one step at a time. If that even stresses out, focus on one assignment at a time. Your workload will slowly diminish without overwhelming you too much.  


4. Just Eat Some Food 

Does anyone know a problem that hasn’t been able to be solved by food? I highly encourage you to eat your feelings during this crucial moment in your life. Don’t worry about your “summer bod,” you have all of May to get in shape. Cram your face with all the food possible to make the hurt of exams seem much less painful. That exam may be difficult, but is making the decision to eat a cheeseburger difficult too? That’s right, it’s not. Enjoy that burger. 


5. Remember to Relax  


It isn’t a crime to take a break and be unproductive. Pour yourself a cold one and sit back and enjoy some time off. Sitting in front of your laptop/books can drive you crazy. Studying every minute of every day can only do so much. When you take a break it allows you to clear your mind and come back with a fresh perspective. Even if you leave to get some ice cream or go to the gym for an hour, you would be amazed at how much that time can impact you. Relax a little and don’t get too uptight!  


Good luck on finals everyone! It’s almost over, I believe in you! 


Hello! I am a current sophomore here at The University of Cincinnati where I am pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in journalism with an e-media minor. I am also planning on getting a PR certificate as well. When I'm not writing or watching the news (I know, I'm a grandma) you can find me eating a burger or drinking a nice glass of Kroger chocolate milk.