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Why You *Should* Care About Politics

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

It’s understandable to want to ignore the unavoidable bickering that ensues once the presidential race is mentioned at the dinner table, but being involved in the political process is actually so much more than that.

Sure, it can sometimes be confusing or boring or downright infuriating, but what is decided by politics can affect major aspects of your life. Plus, we have the luxury of living in a place where our vote and voice count; how great is that?!

Millennials are a hot topic during this presidential race, especially because Bernie Sanders has gained overwhelming support from young voters. But instead of being talked about, why don’t we join the conversation?

For the first time ever, the American millennial population outnumbers the Baby Boomers. In fact, we are the biggest and most diverse generation that this country has ever seen. Now more than ever, it is vital that we become active members of our democracy because our generation is an integral part of modern America. Our size, our youth, and our opinions mean nothing if we aren’t voting.

Your. Vote. Matters. Join me in shaping our future:

Register to vote with Rock The Vote HERE

Get a crash course on all of this year’s presidential candidates HERE